Phoenix Law & Associates is proud to be the Diamond Sponsor of Matsuri Brisbane and Brisbane Seinendan Japanese Community since the inaugural event in 2018. We are excited to support MATSURI BRISBANE SATURDAY, 3 SEPTEMBER 2022 11 AM – 5 PM AT MT GRAVATT SHOWGROUNDS, 1644 Logan Road, Mt Gravatt.

The Matsuri Mission is for the wider community to embrace the spirit of our Brisbane Japanese community and demonstrate the vibrancy of our local Japanese community now and into the future.

Matsuri Brisbane 2021 & 2020 were cancelled due to the pandemic, so PHOENIX LAW &ASSOCIATES are super excited about 2022… CALL 1800-GET-HELP or see +61 (07) 3180 0908

Our knowledgeable and compassionate lawyers can help you in your own language #matsuri #japaneselanguage #workinjury #qldlaw #workerscompensation #spanishspeakinglawyer #chinesespeaking

Especially in an industrial environment, the workplace can be hazardous, but that’s only part of the picture.

Numerous factors, ranging from overexertion to mishandling of hazardous materials, and a multitude of variables that can contribute to or influence a workplace incident.

Given the sheer number of hours spent in the workplace, injuries are unfortunately commonplace, but it’s not always about negligence. If you suffer an injury at work, you can claim compensation. Seek immediate medical attention for your injuries immediately, and then an experienced compensation lawyer can help you.  


Too often employees attempt to lift an object that’s too heavy on their own, and so are prone to sprain, strain, or muscle tear. There is no harm in asking for help with objects that are difficult to lift. Overexertion can happen when lifting, pushing, pulling, holding, carrying, or throwing objects. Repetitive strain injury (RSI) describes damage and pain caused by repetitive movement and overuse and is not limited only to computer and keyboard operators.

Horrific accidents can occur when operating heavy machinery.

Unfortunately, and sometimes tragically, on building sites, factories, industries and farms, the body can be hurt by machines.  Common injuries associated with machines are crushing, cutting, shearing, puncturing, abrasion, burns, tearing, stretching or a combination of two or more of these. Other common injuries include electric shock, hearing loss and ill health from the release of hazardous substances or lack of oxygen.

Crash and impact injuries may involve vehicles, machines, or workplace machinery, but are usually associated with employees driving motor vehicles for work purposes. Again, seek medical attention immediately, and then talk to our experienced compensation team.

Fatigue, Stress and Distraction.

To recover from gruelling manual labour, it is essential that employees take adequate breaks. Not doing so can lead to a spate of physical issues, including atrophy and general exhaustion. The results of either of these can be far more devastating than taking a 10-minute breather. Fatigue, stress, and tiredness in the workplace can lead to exhaustion, inattention, and eventually a workplace injury. Even well-rested employees can grow fatigued while on the job, so employers must ensure employees take breaks at regular intervals.

Employees who aren’t in the right state of mind or physically sound for a job are more likely to be injured. Distractions in the workplace are like being fatigued and stressed. It’s impossible for workers to perform their jobs to their full potential if they are distracted. It isn’t uncommon to hear stories of workers injured at work because they were distracted while on the job.

Hazardous Materials

Improper handling of hazardous materials or not wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) is a common cause of accidents in the workplace., and can result in chemical and burn injuries. By reading material safety data sheets and providing the appropriate protective attire, workplace incidents can be avoided. Abrasive or hazardous chemical exposure can risk skin or eye reactions and potentially more severe injuries. Employers should ensure employees who work with hazardous chemicals have the appropriate safety equipment like goggles and gloves.

Poor Housekeeping in the work environment.

Everyone is entitled to a safe workplace;

Inadequate lighting is often overlooked when attempting to prevent accidents in the warehouse or workplace.

Trips and Falls may be attributed to slick floors and high-traffic corridors and Improper footwear. They account for 33% of all personal injuries, a top cause of all workers’ compensation claims. Common issues are head, back, and neck injuries, broken bones, cuts, sprains, and pulled muscles. Workers who sustain injuries while in the line of work may be entitled to make a workers’ compensation claim for their damage. It’s vital to get in touch with us as soon as possible.

Lack of safety equipment, poor training and inadequate safety procedures may contribute to accidents with physical and emotional impacts on workers while creating significant financial implications for the employer too.

Workplace Violence and Bullying

Sadly, violence among co-workers has become all too common. It is usually brought about by office politics or other sensitive issues. Integrating conflict resolution and peer mediation can help to reduce the risks of such outbursts. Overworking, stress, and workplace bullying can cause severe and lasting psychological injuries.

Not sure if you are eligible for compensation?

In our experience, you will be more than likely entitled. Our expert personal injury lawyers in Brisbane & QLD can help now. PHOENIX LAW & ASSOCIATES run claims on a No Win-No Fee Basis. CALL US NOW +61 (07) 3180 0908 | 1800-GET-HELP |e; |Level 16  300 Adelaide Street, Brisbane QLD.

비자 신청 비용 환불: 학생 및 워킹 홀리데이

호주 정부는 예방접종을 마친 학생들과 워킹 홀리데이분들이 가능한 빨리 호주를 여행할 수 있도록 인센티브를 제공하고 있습니다.

따라서 자격을 갖춘 학생 및 워킹 홀리데이/취업 및 휴가 비자를 소유하신 분들은 해당 비자와 관련하여 지불된 비자 신청 비용의 첫 번째 할부금을 환불 받을 수 있습니다.


학생의 경우 다음과 같은 경우에 해당이 된다면 해당 비자와 관련하여 지불한 비자 신청 비용을 환불 받을 수 있습니다:
• 귀하는 유효한 학생 비자 (500, 570, 571, 572, 573, 574 또는 575)를 소유.
• 2022년 1월 19일에서 3월1일 사이에 해당 비자로 호주로 도착.

워킹홀리데이 분들의 경우 다음과 같은 경우 해당 비자와 관련하여 지불한 비자 신청 비용을 환불 받을 수 있습니다:
• 귀하는 유요한 워킹 홀리데이/취업 및 휴가 비자 (417 또는 462)를 소유.
• 2022년 1월 19일에서 4월 19일 사이에 해당 비자로 호주에 도착.

위에 설명된 자격 기준을 충족하면 현 사이트에서 계정을 만들고 로그인을 하실 수 있습니다.

환불청구을 신청하기 위해 서두를 필요는 없습니다. 귀하께서 학생 또는 워킹 홀리데이/취업 및 휴가 비자를 소지하고 비자신청 비용을 지불을 했으며 면제 또는 환불을 청구하지 않은 경우 지정된 기간 내에 해당 비자로 호주에 도착하면 환불 자격이 부여됩니다. 2022년 12 31일까지 언제든지 청구할 수 있습니다.

청구를 진행하기 전에 이름, 생년월일, 여권, 거래 참조 번호 (TRN) 밎 은행계좌 세부 정보와 같은 주요 식별 정보를 가지고 있어야 합니다.

저희는 가능한 빨리 귀하의 환불 요청을 처리하려 최선의 노력을 다할 것이지만, 개개인의 비자 소지자 마다 걸리는 시간이 다를 것입니다. 이러한 이유는 비자 소지자의 개별 사정에 따라 환불처리를 해야하며 정확한 사람에게 환불금을 지급해야 하기 때문입니다.

귀하께 필요한 정보가 더 필요하거나 환불금을 지불할 때 저희가 연락을 드리겠습니다.

환불을 더 빨리 받으시기 원하신다면 환불금을 해외 송금으로 통해 결제를 하기보다는 호주 은행 계좌나 유요한 신용카드로 결제하시는 것을 추천 드립니다.

비자신청 비용 환불에 대한 최신정보를 알고 싶다면 환불 받기 (를 방문해주시길 바랍니다.

International trade, migration or family law? You can rely on us. CALL US NOW +61 (07) 3180 0908 | 1800-GET-HELP |e; |Level 16 300 Adelaide Street, Brisbane QLD.

Devolución de los gastos de solicitud de visado: Estudiantes y portadores de Working Holiday Visa. (Refunds for Students and Working Holiday Makers arriving in Australia )

El Gobierno australiano ofrece un incentivo para que los estudiantes y los portadores del Working Holiday Visa que estén completamente vacunados viajen a Australia lo antes posible.

(If you are an eligible Student or Working Holiday Maker (WHM) visa holder and you arrive in Australia within a specified period you may also be able to claim a refund of the Visa Application Charge. For more information see Working Holiday Makers and Students. For further information about other refund provisions, see Getting a refund. )

Como parte de este incentivo, los titulares de visados de estudiante y del Working Holiday recibirán un reembolso del primer tramo de la tasa de solicitud de visado pagada en relación con ese visado.


En el caso de los estudiantes, serás elegible* a la devolución de la tasa de solicitud de visado pagada en relación con ese visado si:

• es titular de un visado de estudiante válido (subclases 500, 560, 570, 571, 572, 573, 574 o 575), y
• llega a Australia con ese visado entre el 19 de enero de 2022 y el 19 de marzo de 2022.

En el caso de los aplicantes del Working Holiday, usted tendrá derecho* a la devolución de la tasa de solicitud de visado pagada en relación con ese visado si:

• eres titular de Working Holiday/Work and Holiday válido (subclases 417 o 462), y
• llega a Australia con esa visa entre el 19 de enero de 2022 y el 19 de abril de 2022.

Cómo solicitar el reembolso

Si cumples con estos criterios de elegibilidad, puedes crear una cuenta y acceder desde esta página:
Visa Refund Portal – Visa Refund Portal (

No es necesario que te apresures a presentar tu solicitud. Siempre que sea titular de un visado de estudiante o del Working Holiday, haya pagado la tasa de solicitud de visado y no haya solicitado ya una exención o un reembolso, y llegue con ese visado dentro de los plazos especificados, podrá solicitar el reembolso. Puede presentar una solicitud en cualquier momento hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2022.

Para recibir el reembolso lo antes posible, es recomendable que lo ingrese en una cuenta bancaria australiana o en una tarjeta de crédito válida, en lugar de hacerlo mediante una transferencia internacional.

Póngase en contacto con nosotros inmediatamente para obtener más informaciones sobre migración y visa. Llame al 07 3180 0908 o 1800GETHELP e ; #visa #brisbane #studentvisa #workingholidayvisa #austrália

PLANNING TO MIGRATE to AUSTRALIA?  Skilled Workers? Now is a very good time, as Australia relaxes its international borders and faces real skill shortages.  More workers have left Australia than ever, and not only have less skilled workers arrived in Australia but more are leaving.

With 14,400 workers leaving Queensland alone, local businesses face critical shortages, particularly in health, hospitality and in the regions. Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs Alex Hawke said “The changes complement the government’s recent announcement that fully vaccinated eligible temporary and provisional visa holders may enter Australia without a travel exemption from 1 December 2021.”

TALK TO THE PHOENIX LAW MIGRATION TEAM NOW. Contact your Multilingual friendly legal experts at PHOENIX LAW & ASSOCIATES – CALL 1800GETHELP See or email #immigration #Australia #Australianimmigration #migrationvisa #PartnerVisa #LawyersBrisbane #spanish #portuguese #mandarin


Australia, like the rest of the developed world, faces massive skill shortages, the loss of migrants from Australia is of concern to businesses. In the data released on Friday, 17 December, it was revealed that Australia recorded a net loss of 88,800 people in 2020-21 due to the impact of COVID on overseas migration.

ABS Director Migration Statistics, Jenny Dobak, said the figures show there were more people departing from, than arriving into, Australia during the pandemic, reversing the historical migration pattern. “During the COVID-19 pandemic, many historical patterns of migration have changed,” she said. “Contrast this to 2018-19, prior to the pandemic, when the country recorded a net gain of 241,300 people.”

Nationally, when compared with a year ago, emigration fell 25% (234,600 from 314,200) and immigration fell 71% (145,800 from 506,900).  “In the decade prior to the pandemic, there was an annual net gain from overseas migration for each state and territory,” Ms Dobak said.  “However in 2020-21, during the pandemic, there was a decline in net overseas migration in every state and territory.”

Victoria lost the highest number of migrants recording a loss of 56,100, followed by Queensland (14,400), WA (5,600), NSW (5,500), SA (3,300), ACT (3,100), Tasmania (440) and the Northern Territory (380).

​​Last month, the Office of Home Affairs said it was updating its Migration Program to try and support the economic recovery impacted severely by the loss of migrant skilled workers. The Office said it was aiming to attract 79,600 skilled workers into the country in 2022 – about half the 160,000 migration places it was forecasting.

Of those, 22,000 were allocated to employer-sponsored workers and 13,500 were to be set aside for the business innovation and investment program. It was also changing the visa rules for migrant skilled workers still in Australia.

Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs Alex Hawke said these measures recognise the contribution of skilled migrants who remained here during the COVID-19 pandemic and encourage them to stay in Australia.

“Eligible skilled workers, already in Australia, will continue to support local businesses facing critical shortages, particularly in health, hospitality and our regions,” Mr Hawke said. “This recognises the economic value-add of these critical workers, and retaining them will greatly assist in Australia’s economic recovery.”

“The changes complement the government’s recent announcement that fully vaccinated eligible temporary and provisional visa holders may enter Australia without a travel exemption from 1 December 2021,” he said.

These visa changes will improve access to permanent residence for:

Existing Temporary Skill Shortage (subclass 482) visa holders in the short-term stream; and

Legacy Temporary Work Skilled (subclass 457) visa holders who no longer meet the age requirement.

“This is a special concession recognising those highly skilled migrant workers who chose to stay in Australia throughout the pandemic while continuing to address Australia’s acute shortages. This allows them to stay here, with a pathway to Australian citizenship,” Mr Hawke said.

“There are currently about 20,000 primary Temporary Skill Shortage and 457 visa holders in Australia who may benefit from these arrangements. Most of these workers are employed in the highest-skilled occupations and the largest cohorts of workers benefiting from these changes include those currently employed in the health and hospitality industries, including many workers in regional Australia.”

In October, KPMG said the government’s Centre for Population forecasts positive migration will only return in the 2022-23 financial year.

KPMG’s head of immigration services, Belinda Wright, said border closures had severely affected Australia’s migrant program.

She said before the pandemic, Australia had already been falling behind other countries in its ability to attract and retain skilled migrants and travel restrictions had only made that worse.

With thanks, Business Australia.

TALK TO THE PHOENIX LAW MIGRATION TEAM NOW. Contact your friendly multilingual legal experts at PHOENIX LAW & ASSOCIATES – CALL 1800GETHELP See or email #immigration #Australianimmigration #migrationvisa #PartnerVisa #LawyersBrisbane