If you’re going through difficult issues, know that our family lawyers at Phoenix Law are here for you and you are not alone. Please contact us to discuss your matter with a person who understands both families and family law.

Mediation serves as a highly effective tool in resolving family law disputes, offering numerous benefits to parties involved in contentious matters such as divorce, child custody, and property division. Here are several reasons why mediation is widely regarded as a valuable resource in family law:

  1. Promotes Communication and Cooperation: Mediation provides a structured environment for parties to communicate openly and constructively with each other under the guidance of a neutral mediator. It encourages dialogue, fosters mutual understanding, and promotes cooperation, which can be particularly beneficial in resolving emotionally charged issues.
  2. Empowers Parties to Make Decisions: Unlike litigation, where decisions are made by a judge, mediation empowers parties to actively participate in crafting solutions that meet their unique needs and interests. By having a say in the outcome, parties are more likely to feel satisfied with the resolution and more invested in complying with any agreements reached.
  3. Confidential and Private Process: Mediation proceedings are confidential and private, providing a safe space for parties to discuss sensitive matters without fear of public scrutiny. This confidentiality encourages parties to be more candid and forthcoming, which can lead to more meaningful and productive discussions.
  4. Cost-Effective Alternative to Litigation: Compared to protracted court battles, mediation is often a more cost-effective option for resolving family disputes. It typically requires fewer formal proceedings, reduces legal fees, and minimizes court-related expenses, making it a more accessible option for parties with limited financial resources.
  5. Faster Resolution of Disputes: Mediation can lead to quicker resolution of disputes compared to litigation, which can drag on for months or even years. By streamlining the negotiation process and focusing on reaching mutually acceptable solutions, mediation helps parties resolve their issues in a timelier manner, allowing them to move forward with their lives sooner.
  6. Preserves Relationships: One of the most significant advantages of mediation is its ability to preserve relationships, particularly in family law matters where ongoing communication and cooperation may be necessary, such as co-parenting arrangements. By facilitating respectful and amicable interactions, mediation helps parties maintain healthier relationships, which can be especially beneficial for children involved in the dispute.
  7. Customized Solutions: Mediation allows parties to tailor solutions to their specific needs and circumstances, rather than relying on one-size-fits-all court rulings. This flexibility enables parties to explore creative solutions that may not be available through litigation, leading to outcomes that better reflect their individual priorities and preferences.

Mediation is a valuable tool in family law disputes, offering a collaborative, cost-effective, and efficient alternative to traditional litigation. By promoting communication, empowering parties, and facilitating mutually beneficial agreements, mediation helps families navigate difficult transitions with greater ease and dignity.

Phoenix Law & Associates speak many languages fluently. Call 1800GETHELP. Level 8, 300 Adelaide St, Brisbane

Japan joined the Hague Convention in 2014. Since then, it has worked to handle international child abduction cases according to the Convention’s rules. The Japanese Central Authority helps parents through the process of applying for their child’s return and provides support during legal proceedings.


Even though the Hague Convention is helpful, there are challenges:

1. Enforcement Sometimes, countries struggle to enforce the Convention’s rules, especially if local laws differ.

2. Long Legal Battles Court cases can take a long time, causing stress for children and parents.

3. Emotional Impact Returning a child to their home country can be difficult emotionally, especially if they have settled in the new country.

4. Non-Signatory Countries The Convention only applies to countries that have agreed to it. Cases involving countries that haven’t joined can be much harder to resolve.

Notable Cases in Japan

One example involves a Japanese mother who took her children to Japan from the U.S. without the father’s permission. Under the Hague Convention, the father applied for their return. The Japanese court decided in favor of returning the children to the U.S., showing Japan’s commitment to the Convention.


The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction is essential for dealing with international child abduction cases. By providing a process for the quick return of children and respecting custody decisions, the Convention helps protect children’s welfare. Japan’s participation in the Convention shows its dedication to resolving these difficult cases and supporting affected families.

International child abduction is a heart-wrenching issue affecting countless families worldwide. In an increasingly interconnected world, it has become imperative to address cross-border disputes involving the wrongful removal or retention of children.

The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, often referred to simply as the Hague Convention, plays a crucial role in these cases, providing a legal framework for the prompt return of abducted children to their country of habitual residence.

The Hague Convention: An Overview

The Hague Convention was concluded on October 25, 1980, under the auspices of the Hague Conference on Private International Law. The primary aim of the Convention is to protect children from the harmful effects of international abduction by a parent or guardian and to secure their prompt return to their country of habitual residence. As of 2023, over 100 countries are parties to the Convention, demonstrating its global acceptance and importance.

Objectives of the Hague Convention

  1. Prompt Return of the Child: The Convention seeks to ensure the swift return of abducted children to their habitual residence, thereby restoring the status quo before the abduction occurred.
  2. Protecting Custody Rights: By providing a legal mechanism for the return of abducted children, the Convention reinforces respect for custody arrangements and parental rights as determined by the child’s habitual residence.
  3. Preventing Forum Shopping: The Convention aims to prevent parents from seeking a more favorable legal jurisdiction by wrongfully removing or retaining their child in another country.

Mechanisms and Procedures

The Hague Convention sets forth a clear procedure for the return of an abducted child:

  1. Central Authorities: Each signatory country must designate a Central Authority to handle applications under the Convention. The Central Authority assists in locating the child, facilitating voluntary returns, and providing legal assistance.
  2. Application Process: A parent or guardian seeking the return of an abducted child can submit an application to the Central Authority of either the child’s habitual residence or the country where the child has been taken.
  3. Judicial Proceedings: If voluntary return is not possible, the case is brought before the judiciary in the country where the child is located. The court must determine whether the child was wrongfully removed or retained and whether any exceptions to the return apply.
  4. Exceptions to Return: The Convention provides specific grounds on which a court may refuse to order the return of a child, including the risk of physical or psychological harm to the child, the child’s objections if they are of sufficient age and maturity, and if the return would violate fundamental principles relating to the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms.

Challenges and Criticisms

While the Hague Convention has been instrumental in addressing international child abduction, it is not without challenges:

  1. Compliance and Enforcement: Ensuring compliance with the Convention’s provisions can be difficult, particularly in countries with less developed legal systems or where the Convention’s principles conflict with local laws and customs.
  2. Prolonged Legal Battles: In some cases, legal proceedings under the Convention can become protracted, leading to extended periods of uncertainty and distress for both the child and the parents involved.
  3. Psychological Impact: The process of returning a child to their habitual residence can be traumatic, especially if the child has developed significant ties in the new country.
  4. Non-Signatory Countries: The Convention’s effectiveness is limited to signatory countries. Cases involving non-signatory countries can be more complex and harder to resolve.

Notable Cases

Several high-profile cases have highlighted the complexities and emotional toll of international child abduction:

  1. Elian Gonzalez Case: Although not directly under the Hague Convention, the Elian Gonzalez case in 2000 drew international attention. Elian, a Cuban boy, was found in Florida after his mother drowned during their attempt to reach the United States. A custody battle ensued between his relatives in Miami and his father in Cuba, culminating in Elian’s return to Cuba.
  2. David Goldman Case: In 2009, David Goldman was reunited with his son Sean after a five-year legal battle. Sean was taken to Brazil by his mother, who subsequently passed away. The case highlighted the challenges of navigating international legal systems and the importance of the Hague Convention. Conclusion

The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction remains a vital tool in addressing the complexities of international child abduction. By providing a legal framework for the prompt return of abducted children and reinforcing respect for custody arrangements, the Convention seeks to mitigate the devastating impact of child abduction on families. However, ongoing efforts to improve compliance, address legal challenges, and support affected families are essential to ensure the Convention’s continued effectiveness and humanitarian impact.

Phoenix Law & Associates are specialists in family and migration law, and can help you at a distressing time. Phoenix Law & Associates speak many languages fluently. Call 1800GETHELP. Level 16, 300 Adelaide St, Brisbane #JapaneseLawyers #BrisbaneLawyers #Urdu #Hindi #Pashtu #Mandarin #Cantonese #Korean #Japanese #Portuguese #Romanian #FamilyLaw #spanish #migrationlaw #HagueConvention

The Hague Convention is in force between Australia and the following countries:
• Albania
• Argentina
• Armenia
• Austria
• Bahamas
• Belarus
• Belgium
• Belize
• Bosnia and Herzegovina
• Brazil
• Bulgaria
• Burkina Faso
• Canada
• Chile
• Colombia
• Costa Rica
• Croatia
• Cyprus
• Czech Republic
• Denmark
• Dominican Republic
• Ecuador
• El Salvador
• Estonia
• Fiji
• Finland
• France
• Georgia
• Germany
• Greece
• Guatemala
• Honduras
• Hong Kong (China)
• Hungary
• Iceland
• Ireland
• Israel
• Italy
• Japan
• Latvia
• Lithuania
• Luxembourg
• Macau (China)
• Malta
• Mauritius
• Mexico
• Moldova, Republic of
• Monaco
• Montenegro
• Netherlands
• New Zealand
• Nicaragua
• Norway
• Panama
• Paraguay
• Peru
• Poland
• Portugal
• Republic of Korea (from 1 June 2015)
• Romania
• Saint Kitts and Nevis
• San Marino
• Serbia
• Singapore
• Slovakia
• Slovenia
• South Africa
• Spain
• Sri Lanka
• Sweden
• Switzerland
• Thailand
• The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM)
• Trinidad and Tobago
• Turkey
• Turkmenistan
• Ukraine
• United Kingdom
• United States of America
• Uruguay
• Uzbekistan
• Venezuela
• Zimbabwe.

준비초기에 조언을 구하는 것을 의미합니다.

가족법에 관한 유용한 조언을 얻을때, 별거 직전의 상태가 아니어도 됩니다.  일부 커플에게는 이혼 과정이 신중한 몇 년을 거쳐 준비되며, 많은 사고와 준비와 금융 조언이 필요할 수 있습니다. 물론 다른 커플에게는 매우 다를 수 있습니다.

우리는 재정적 불안에 대한 우려 때문에 여성들이 먼저 정보를 얻기 위해 접근하는 경우가 더 많다는 것을 알게 되었고, 다른 민족 집단의 호주인들이 도움을 구하는 데 문화적으로 더 많은 두려움을 가질 수 있고, 아마도 접근할 수 있는 정보 자원이 더 적을 수 있다는 것을 알게 되었습니다. 해외의 유일한 양육법은 또한 강력한 방지책으로 여겨질 수 있습니다. 그러나 역사적으로 여성들이 남성보다 호주에서 이혼 신청을 더 많이 했습니다.

이혼이란 무엇인가요?

호주에서 이별이란 커플로서 함께 살지 않는 것을 의미하며, 관계 중 한 명 이상이 별거를 결정하, 그 결정에 따라 행동하며 다른 사람에게 알린 것입니다. 파트너가 동의할 필요는 없습니다. 여전히 같은 집에 살고 있을 수 있습니다.

이혼에 대한 법적 요건은 없습니다. 호주에 처음 온 분이거나 거주권에 대해 걱정하는 경우에는 그부분에 대해 말씀해 주시기 바랍니다.

한 사람이 집을 나가거나 여전히 같은 집에 살지만 별개의 삶을 살 수 있습니다. 이를 “하나의 지붕 아래서의 별거”라고 합니다. 여러분은 이러한 거주 협약을 센터링크와 같은 기관에 증명해야 할 수 있습니다. 하나의 지붕 아래에서 분리된 것으로 간주될 때, 기관은 다음 사항을 고려할 것입니다.

  • 함께 자을자는지
  • 성관계나 성적 활동을 하는지
  • 식사와 가사 업무를 공유하는지(결혼했을 때와는 다른 방식으로)
  • 돈과 은행 계좌를 공유하는지
  • 가족과 친구들이 당신을 별고한것으로 생각하는지

이별 중에도 당신과 당신의 배우자는 결혼 집에 동등하게 거주할 권리가 있습니다. 재산 소유권은 관련이 없습니다. 누구든지 이별 중에 결혼집을 떠날 수도 있지만, 아무도 강제로 떠나야 할 수는 없습니다.

치유적이고 영구적이며 법적인 분리

본인의 의도에 따라, 관계 상담사들은 3가지 가능한 상태에 대해 이야기할 것입니다. 먼저, 커플이 끊어진 관계를 치료하는 것을 돕기 위해 일시적이고 구조적인 시간적인 간격을 두는 치료적, 치유적 또는 시험적 분리를 들 수 있습니다. 다른 것들은 영구적인 분리; 그리고 법적 분리를 들 수 있습니다.

치유적이거나 시험적인 분리의 몇 가지 이점은 다음과 같을 수 있습니다.

  • 개인적 성장: 시간이 지나면서 개인적 성장과 변화가 이루어질 수 있습니다. 이러한 변화는 새로운 자아 및 자신과 배우자에 대한 새로운 이해와 결합하여 다시 만남을 위한 계기가 될 수 있습니다.
  • 앞으로의 과제: 재결합한 커플은 도전을 면할 수 없습니다. 그들은 과거의 불만을 해결하고 외부 인식을 관리하며 개인적 변화 후 재정렬하고 재결혼의 잠재적 복잡성을 극복해야 합니다.
  • 기초 중요: 성공적인 재결합을 위해서는 개방적인 의사소통, 자기 반성, 경계 설정 및 필요한 경우 전문 상담을 받는 것이 중요한 단계입니다.

이혼 통계

전통적인 표현 “일곱 년간의 가려움”은 일부 진실이 있을 수 있습니다. 최근 미국에서 이혼하는 결혼의 평균 기간은 8년이며, 여기 호주에서는 대부분의 이혼이 결혼 3년부터 7년 사이에 발생합니다. 결혼 후 10년이 지난 후에 이혼하는 커플은 4%에 불과합니다.

호주에서는 부부가 최소 12개월 이상 별거 중이면 일방이혼이 가능합니다. 2021년에 1,000명의 호주 거주자당 이혼 비율(1,000명당 이혼 횟수)은 2.2명으로, 2020년의 1.9명보다 증가했습니다. 호주에서 결혼의 약 44%가 이혼으로 끝나는 것으로 추정됩니다.

일, 스포츠 그리고 다른 활동들이 문제들을 전면에 내세울 수 있는 일상적인 공간이 없는 어려운 관계에서 강제적인 시간으로서 1월은 때때로 “이혼의 달”로 여겨집니다. 지지와 헌신 부족이 이혼하는 커플들이 가장 많이 주장하는 이유입니다. 다른 고민 사항은 너무 많은 논쟁, 불륜, 너무 젊은 나이의 결혼, 비현실적인 기대, 관계에서의 평등 부족, 결혼 준비의 부족 및 약물 또는 가정 폭력 또는 학대일 수 있습니다.

재결합율에 따르면, 이별한 커플 중 약 10 ~ 15%가 재결합하며, 이혼한 커플 중 약 6%가 다시 결혼합니다.

일찍 준비하기

별거나 이혼이 얼마나 어려울지 모르지만, 잘 알려진 사실에 기반한 편견 없는 법적 조언은 감정적 부담을 줄일 수 있습니다. 전문가의 중재를 통해 어려움을 극복하는 데 도움을 받을 수 있습니다. 종종 아이들이 포함되어 있으며, 더 큰 그림을 보는 것이 모든 사람에게 미치는 영향을 최소화하는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다.

만일의 사태에 대비하기 위해 중재를 요청하고 은행 계좌를 개설하고 재산이나 부채를 분리하고 자산 목록을 작성하는 것이 필요할 수 있습니다. 각 사람의 요구 사항이 다르기 때문에 저희Phoenix Law는 계획과 조언을 도와드릴 수 있습니다.

언어와 문화의 중요성

Phoenix Law and Associates는 도와드릴 수 있는 공감과 민감한 가족법 전문가를 보유하고 있습니다. 무료 초기 상담을 위해 Phoenix Law & Associates에 전화하세요 1800GETHELP. 당신의 언어를 구사하고 당신의 문화를 이해하는 다국어 변호사들이 있습니다 – 우르두어, 힌디어, 파슈투어, 페르시아어, 중국어, 광동어, 한국어, 일본어 – 영어, 포르투갈어, 루마니아어.

브리즈번 시티, 애들레이드 스트리트 300번지 16층 | https://www.phoenix-law.com.au/ #브리즈번로펌 #우르두어 #힌디어 #파슈투어 #중국어 #광동어 #한국어 #일본어 #포르투갈어 #루마니아어 #가족법

감사합니다; Legal Aid Queensland 및 Forbes review

Preparation means seeking advice early

You don’t need to be on the brink of separation to obtain helpful family law advice.  For some couples, the separation process can be over many cautious years, with a great deal of thought and preparation and the need for financial advice. For other couples, of course, it can be very different.

We find that we are more often approached for information by women first,  because of concerns about financial insecurity and find that Australians from other ethnic groups may culturally have more apprehension in seeking help,  and perhaps have fewer information resources to access.  Overseas sole custody laws can also be seen as a powerful deterrent. However, historically, women have initiated more divorce applications in Australia than men.

Mehr – The Dowry – and other cultural and religious dimensions

In addition to the legal aspects, it is important to recognise the cultural and religious dimensions that may influence the separation process. In many Muslim communities, for instance, the concept of Mehr, a mandatory payment made by the groom to the bride at the time of marriage, serves as financial security for the bride.

This concept of financial protection extends into discussions surrounding separation and divorce. Addressing matters such as dowry and Mehr is essential within these communities, ensuring equitable outcomes and honouring religious obligations.

Our team at Phoenix Law & Associates understands the significance of such cultural nuances and can provide guidance that respects both legal requirements and personal beliefs, ensuring a comprehensive approach tailored to your unique situation. (Fatima , Solicitor Bachelor of Law; Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice)

What is Separation?

In Australia separated means you have stopped living together as a couple, and at least one person in the relationship makes the decision to separate, acts on that decision and tells the other person. Your partner doesn’t have to agree. You can be separated and still be living in the same home.

There are no legal requirements for separation. If you’re new to Australia or are worried about residency, please talk to us about that.

One person may move out of the home, or you can be still living at home together but have separate lives—this is called ‘separation under the one roof.’ You may have to prove these living arrangements to agencies such as Centrelink. When deciding if you are separated under one roof, they will consider whether:

  • you sleep together
  • you have sex or sexual activity
  • you share meals and domestic duties (in a different way than when you were married)
  • you share money and bank accounts
  • family and friends think of you as separated.

Both you and your spouse are equally entitled to live in the marital home during separation – ownership of the property is not relevant. Anyone can also leave the marital home during separation, but no one can be forced to.

Therapeutic, permanent and legal separation

Depending on your intentions, relationship therapists will talk about 3 possible states. Firstly, a therapeutic, healing or trial separation – which is temporary and structured time apart, to help a couple heal their broken relationship. The others – a permanent separation; and a legal separation.

Some benefits of a therapeutic or trial separation may be ;

  • Personal Growth: Time apart can foster personal growth and change. This evolution, coupled with a new understanding of oneself and one’s partner, can be a catalyst for reunions.
  • Challenges Ahead: Reunited couples are not exempt from challenges. They must address past grievances, manage external perceptions, realign after personal changes, and navigate the potential complexities of remarriage.
  • Foundations Matter: For a successful reunion, open communication, self-reflection, setting boundaries, and, if necessary, seeking professional counselling are crucial steps.

Divorce statistics.

The traditional expression “ the seven-year itch”, may have some truth as the average length of a marriage, at least in the United States, that ends in divorce is 8 years,  and here in Australia, most divorces happen between year three and year seven of marriage. Just 4% of couples divorce after 10 years of marriage.

One-sided divorce is possible in Australia as long as the couple has been separated for at least 12 months. The crude divorce rate (divorces per 1,000 Australian residents) was 2.2 divorces per 1,000 residents in 2021, up from 1.9 in 2020. It could be estimated that 44% of marriages in Australia end in divorce.

January is sometimes considered “divorce month”, as an enforced time in a challenging relationship without the usual space that work, sports and other activities may bring issues to the fore.  Lack of support and commitment is the most common reason given by divorcing couples. Other concerns may be too many arguments; Infidelity; being married too young; unrealistic expectations; lack of equality in the relationship; lack of preparation for marriage and substance or domestic violence or abuse.

Reunion rates show that between 10 to 15% of separated couples do reconcile, and approximately 6% of divorced couples remarry each other.

Preparing yourself early

As hard as separation or divorce might be, well-informed and supportive non-judgmental legal advice will lessen the emotional burden. A professional third party can help you navigate through the challenges. Often children are involved, and seeing the bigger picture may help minimise the impact on everyone.

Preparing yourself for any eventuality may include seeking mediation and protecting yourself financially by opening your bank account; separating assets or debts, and inventory assets.  We can help with planning and advice, as each person’s needs differ.

Language and Culture matter

Phoenix Law and Associates have compassionate and sensitive Family Law specialists to help you through. To gain a free introductory perspective call Phoenix Law & Associates 1800GETHELP.  We have multilingual lawyers who speak your language and understand your culture – Urdu, Hindi, Pashtu, Farsi, Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, Japanese – English, Portuguese, and Romanian.

Level 16, 300 Adelaide St, Brisbane City|  https://www.phoenix-law.com.au/  #BrisbaneLawyers #Urdu #Hindi #Pashtu #Mandarin #Cantonese #Korean #Japanese #Portuguese #Romanian #FamilyLaw

With thanks; Legal Aid Queensland and Forbes review


Australia consistently ranks highly on global indexes for quality of life and is proud to be a multicultural society that welcomes people from all backgrounds. In terms of healthcare, education, economic freedom, a low crime rate and a high standard of living, Australia is considered a great place to raise a family or build a career. With a thriving arts and culture scene, it is easy to feel at home in Australia, no matter where you are from.

The GALLUP WORLD HAPPINESS REPORT FOR 2024 was released two days ago, and Australians ranked overall 10th globally as the happiest country in the world. Most often, the happiest countries tend to have small populations under 15 million people, but at 26 million people, Australia could be considered a large country, that still rates in the top 10.

Why the happiest?

The Report was based on self-reporting by citizens and showed similar trends amongst happier countries. Some are very obvious –levels of gender equality, a level of trust in institutions and fellow citizens and low corruption, free education and universal healthcare. Those countries suffering war and revolution like Afghanistan clearly will rate as very unhappy.

Australia’s economy is solid and stable, with opportunities for growth in various industries, including healthcare, finance, and technology, with a low unemployment rate and high wages. Australia’s geographical area is twice that of India, and its population is half of what India has. Residents and visitors agree Australia has incredible natural beauty;  iconic beaches, forests, oceans, lakes, mountains to the stunning outback.

Who are the happiest Australians?

It seems the happiest Australians are aged over 60 years. Australians under 30 years ranked 19th in global happiness. Australia’s young are still far happier than most of the young people in the world but in common with New Zealand, the US and Canada, the concerns were rising social media use, income inequalities, the housing crisis, and fears about climate change.

As Australia’s population has grown, housing densities have had to rise, changing the types of homes that people are used to, but Australia’s young are still a lot happier than most other countries.

The happiest suburbs?

It stands to reason that the happiest suburbs are those that contain people aged 60 plus. Most are in regional towns or close to the water. However, Brisbane has two, despite being a capital city. Most Australians are happy with their surroundings as nature is always so close, with easy access to walking tracks, parks, hiking, surfing, and skiing.

Not so happy?

Even in a lucky and happy country, personal and business issues that take your energy and rob you of sleep will naturally occur.  From Family law concerns to commercial law services, migration law, conveyancing and property needs; personal injury incidents, and Will and Estate planning.

Phoenix Law has skilled lawyers who speak your language and understand your culture – Urdu, Hindi, Pashtu, Farsi, Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, Japanese – English, Portuguese, and Romanian – to help you. CALL 1800GETHELP | Level 16, 300 Adelaide St, Brisbane City|  https://www.phoenix-law.com.au/ #BrisbaneLawyers #Urdu #Hindi #Pashtu #Mandarin #Cantonese #Korean #Japanese #Portuguese #Romanian #FamilyLaw #Happiness #Legaladvice

Every expecting mum has, at some point, pondered what their parental rights are.

From birth certificates to breastfeeding, vaccinations, and returning to work, there’s a lot to think about – especially when you’re dealing with all the wondrous* physical transformations that pregnancy brings!

In this blog, we answer the top four questions new mums ask our family lawyers:

  1. Should I get the father’s name on the birth certificate if we split up while I’m pregnant?
  2. Can I breastfeed anywhere?
  3. What happens if I decide not to vaccinate my baby?
  4. Are part-time or casual employees entitled to time off work when they have a baby?

Read time: 3 minutes.

*Read: Eye-opening, beautiful, unprecedented, sometimes yucky and often challenging

1. Should I get the father’s name on the birth certificate if we split up while I’m pregnant?

It is your right to submit a birth certificate with just your name on it, but you should be aware that this don’t mean the father will never be recognised on the certificate.

The child’s father can also submit his own application to be recognised on the certificate. If this happens, the registry has specialists who will contact both parties to verify the information they’ve received, before making a decision or advising you to get legal advice (depending on your circumstances).

The registrar can make decisions about certain things at their own discretion (for instance when the baby’s last name is disputed), and for more serious matters your issue will be referred to the courts, which can compel you to get the father’s name on the certificate.

If the father insists on having his name on the certificate but you dispute his paternity, the Family Law Court can order him to take a DNA test. If the test proves that he is the father, the court may make an order that forces the registry to include his name on the certificate, and he will automatically be granted all of the rights and responsibilities of fatherhood (providing he poses no risk to the child).

It’s also worth noting that in some cases the court has the power to determine paternity without a DNA test.

In general, unless your child’s father poses an unacceptable risk to their safety, the court has an obligation to encourage a relationship between them. So, unless you have a very good reason to do so, excluding the father from the birth certificate usually isn’t worth it.

2. Can I breastfeed anywhere?

Yes! In Australia, mothers have the right to breastfeed their children anywhere they are comfortable doing so.

The next time someone tells you (directly or indirectly) not to breastfeed in public, tell them to look up the Sex Discrimination Act 1984!

3. What happens if I decide not to vaccinate my baby?

There are two main consequences that parents who don’t vaccinate their kids need to be aware of:

  • Reduced financial benefits: Families that don’t vaccinate kids under the age of 20 aren’t eligible to receive the Family Tax Benefit Part A end of year supplement, the Child Care Benefit and the Child Care Rebate.*
  • No jab no play: Child care facilities are allowed to refuse to enrol unvaccinated children. There are exceptions for kids who are undergoing a vaccination catch-up program or who have a valid medical reason, but simply objecting to vaccinations is not considered a good enough reason to not vaccinate your children. Also, if you decide to enrol your unvaccinated kids at a childcare centre anyway, you won’t get your money back when they are rejected.

*These two payments will be replaced by the new Child Care Subsidy from July 2, 2018.

4. Are part-time or casual employees entitled to time off work when they have a baby?

Full-time, part-time, and casual employees (who have a proper arrangement of regular hours and have been working for their employer for 12 months) are all entitled to take time off when they have a baby.

Once your leave is over, you are also entitled to go back to the same position that you had before you left – although in reality this is often easier said than done.

Everyone’s situation is different, so to find out more about your unique entitlements, check out the Fair Work maternity & parental leave fact sheets.

At Phoenix Law, our understanding solicitors are happy to answer your questions about family law and to work with you to resolve disputes quickly and as painlessly as possible. To get in touch, just dial 07 3607 3274, email info@phoenix-law.com.au or fill in our online contact form.


I have two kids (six and seven) that I always spend time with over the Easter holidays. My ex and I don’t have this in writing though. When it comes to payments and visits, we just have a verbal arrangement that we’ve stuck to since we split up four years ago.

This year, however, I’m behind on my child support payments because I lost my job just before Christmas. My ex is now threatening to refuse to let me see the kids until my child support is up-to-date. Is she legally allowed to do this?

Daniel, 27, Beenleigh

Dear Daniel,

Unfortunately, your story is one that our family lawyers hear every day.

First of all, you should know that child support and custody matters are two separate issues. They are administered under different legislation and more importantly, the family law courts do not deal with the child support matters at all.

Child Support

As far as child support is concerned, if there is no binding Child Support Agreement in place, then the amount of child support required can change as the payer’s circumstances change (such as you losing a job).

You should contact the Child Support Agency and have the amount of the child support you need to pay assessed – this may come back as zero payable if you have no income. Doing this will ensure that you have discharged your obligation to pay child support.

It’s also worth mentioning that it is obviously not in your children’s best interests to have to get by on a lower income than they’re accustomed to. While finding employment can be very difficult around this time of year, any job you can secure will not only help your children now, but it will aid you later down the track if you do have to go to court.

Parenting Arrangements

Without having a little bit more information about your specific situation (there may be other extenuating circumstances you haven’t included in your message) we can’t tell you whether your ex can or should withhold your access to your children.

When it comes to parenting arrangements in general, there are a few things that any separated parent living in Queensland (including you) should know:

  • Generally, if there are no orders in place, an ex cannot refuse to let the other parent see the children unless they have reason to believe the other parent won’t give the children back or, by allowing access they would be putting the children at risk of harm. Examples of harm include exposure to drug use, domestic violence or sexual abuse.
  • If there is no risk of harm and another very compelling reason to withhold access is not provided, the Family Court will not look favourably upon a parent who denies the other parent access to their children. The Family Court understands that children need a relationship with both parents wherever possible.
  • Nobody can break the law while trying to see their kids. This includes trespassing on the other parent’s property to collect them, taking the kids overseas without the other parent’s consent, or making threats of physical violence against the other parent.

The Next Steps

While a verbal agreement may have worked for you and your ex in the past, you have many years before your children are adults and this will certainly not be the last disagreement you have.

It’s a good idea to make formal arrangements now before the problems of raising teenagers hit.

In addition to sorting out your child support obligations, you may want to consider:

  • Drafting a parenting plan together: These are not enforceable by law, but the court will consider them if you later apply for orders.
  • Applying for a parenting order: This is legally enforceable, and will usually cover where the child lives, who the child spends time and communicates with, as well as other issues including education and medical treatment.

At the end of the day, family law disputes have the best outcomes when parties can consciously put aside their dislike or even hatred of the other parties involved, and instead focus on what is best for the children.

We hope this works out for everyone involved.

At Phoenix Law, we have solicitors that can help you achieve an outcome that will protect your children and uphold your rights as a parent. To get in touch with one of our approachable family lawyers, just dial 07 3607 3274, email info@phoenix-law.com.au or fill in our online contact form.

Are you wondering what all the fuss is about when it comes to marriage equality?

If you, like many Australians, think same-sex couples had all the rights they needed before the Marriage Amendment Bill 2017 was passed last year, you’ll be surprised to know just how much this legislation has positively impacted the everyday lives of the LGBTQI community!

1. Australia now recognises overseas same-sex marriages

Same-sex couples who are married in their country of origin no longer have to prove they are in a “de facto relationship” when it comes to applying for certain visas, permanent residency or citizenship here in Australia. Instead of providing several proofs of living situations and shared expenses and waiting to see if their relationship is valid in the eyes of the law, now showing a marriage certificate will suffice.

And, on the flip-side, overseas same-sex couples who wish to elope in Australia can now do so, which is good news for our booming wedding industry.

2. IVF parenting rights just got a lot simpler

Before marriage equality, only heterosexual married couples could use IVF to have a child and then automatically have the non-biological partner legally recognised as the child’s parent.

Now, both members of same-sex married couples will be automatically granted parent status when conceiving through IVF, without needing to prove the existence of a de facto relationship between them.

3. With marriage equality, wills and rights in the event of death are now equal

Married same-sex couples now have the same rights as married heterosexual couples when it comes to the death of their partner:

Their name can be recorded on the death certificate, which makes arranging funerals, life insurance, superannuation and welfare payments easier.

If there is no will, the still living partner will have more of a say over what happens to the deceased’s assets, without the need to prove their relationship status.

4. People can transition without divorcing

Before the most recent amendments to the Marriage Act, married folks who changed genders couldn’t update their birth certificates without first divorcing.

Now, people can transition while staying married and those who identify as neither male nor female will also be able to marry.

If you have questions about any aspect of family law, get in touch with our caring, professional team today by dialling 3607 3274 emailing info@phoenix-law.com.au or filling out our simple online contact form.

Are you flirting with the idea of an overseas elopement, but aren’t sure if you’ll need to remarry when you get back home? Or perhaps you’re already married and need to know if your overseas union is recognised in Australia? If so, this blog is for you!

According to the Marriage Act of 1961, if your marriage was valid under the laws of the country in which you were initially married, it will usually be recognised by the Australian government, and you won’t have to remarry. 

To have your marriage recognised, you’ll need to show your original marriage certificate, a certified copy, or a “record of marriage issued by a competent authority in a foreign country” to your local births, deaths and marriages registry.

Reasons Your Marriage Won’t Be Recognised

Sometimes an overseas marriage won’t be valid in Australia, either because it isn’t a proper legal contract or it doesn’t fit the Australian government’s definition of marriage.

Your overseas marriage may be invalid if:

  1. One of the parties wasn’t of marriageable age in Australia: Both parties must be at least 18 years old unless a court has approved a marriage where one party is aged between 16 and 18 years old.
  2. One of the parties was married to someone else at the time of marriage: This is known as bigamy, and in Australia it is an offence punishable by up to 5 years imprisonment.
  3. Parties are too closely related to marry: You can’t marry your parent, grandparent, child, grandchild or sibling.
  4. There is no consent: Marriages that are obtained by duress or fraud, because of a mistaken identity, with a party that didn’t understand the nature of the agreement they were entering into or with a party that was mentally incapable of consenting are all invalid in Australia.

Does Marrying an Australian Automatically Give Me Rights to Live There? 

Marriage doesn’t mean you automatically can live in Australia – you still need to be approved for a valid partner visa.

To find out more about family or migration law, contact Phoenix Law & Associates on 07 3607 3274 for an obligation-free confidential discussion, or email us at info@phoenix-law.com.au.